Monday, January 30, 2012

Hydro Electric

This project was one of my most interesting so far as a graduate student.  We began the quarter picking out an infrastructure that we would like to work with then redeveloped an element of it.  I chose electric transmission lines and narrowed in on distribution substations.  Something I noticed is the excess of land at most substations and the potential that land could have within the city.  My project is very theoretical and I had a lot of freedom to be creative with it, so I took that opportunity to the fullest.
The design is to use the excess space at substations and create a park that would increase activity of local residents as well as create energy going directly into the grid.  Energy would be created by: when people used the exercise equipment, water would be pumped to the top of this 'water tower', once the tower reached a certain capacity, the water would drop, creating electricity through hydro power.

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